Calling All Volunteers!

The purpose of this organization is to promote and develop
the literary and cultural arts; to provide for the production, enjoyment,
and appreciation of dramatics in all phases of theater;
to aid in maintaining the highest possible quality of live theater,
and to promote and facilitate education in all phases of theater:
to be an asset and partner to our local community.

The Little Theatre is a volunteer membership organization. From the actors on stage, to the crew backstage, in the box office and the ushers helping you to your seats. We are all members of the Little Theatre family dedicated to providing quality production for our patrons.

Do you have some free time? Do you want to make a difference, have fun and meet new people? Come to one of our membership meetings held the  1st Tuesday each month at 7:00 pm  from September thru May or visit us in the Box Office and find out how you can help.

Dates for our upcoming meetings:

2024: September 3, October 1, November 5, December 3

2025: January 7, February 4, March 4, April 1, Annual Meeting: May 6

Click here to renew your membership for 2024-2025 or to become a new member.

2024-2025 MEMBERSHIP

Ethan Ahlgren

Susan Allen

Lisa Araquistain

Maria-Elena Augustin

Susan Bach

LuAnn Bailey

Colleen Baker

Mary Baluta

Erica Barr

Glen Bassett

Doug Bishop

Gary Bolinsky

Rosemary Bousquet

Agnes Briggs

Michelle Brown

Lisa Cadigan

Don Campbell

Steve Carsey

Carol Choma

Beverly Clarke

Lyn Clement

Wynne Cook

Vickie Cox

Nancy Crawford

Helen  Cummins

Desiree Dennison

Cody Desrosiers

Margo Devenney

Margaret Dobie

Jeannette Drozd

Carolyn Elson

Gail Ente

Steve Ente

Raymond Flynt

Mike Funaro

Sheila Gardner

Colleen Garlick

Shannon Gonzalez

Zachary Goodrich

Danielle Grau

Beverly Griebling

Kelly Grounds

Missy Guentz

Jane Hale

Ruth "Kaz" Harris

Margaret Holt

Dottie Hughes

Marilyn Hunter

Marlene Jacek

David Jenkins

Karin Jenkins

Rick Johnson

Annie Kehrli

Roy Kertelits

Brandon King

Margarita Kovacs

Gillian Kwiatkowski

Richard Kwiatkowski

Ursula Lang

Elaine Leaf

Michael Leibel

Mary Leslie

Laura  Lewis

Kim Long

Lauren Longfellow

Jetty Luedeke

Patricia Malota

Nancy McCormick

Malissa McDonald

Charles McGoey

JanIce McGoey

John McGrath

Linda McGrath

Barbara Mckenzie

Christine McKnight

Arlene McManus

Greg McManus

Terry Meade

Sallie Mollohan

Marci Morgan

Sandra Murphy

John Oswalt

Marilynne Oswalt

Karen Poulsen

Keith Poulsen

Josephine Qualiana

Andrea Angely Rivas Trujillo

Caleb  Roberts

Bill Roehrborn

Steve Rose

Ann Russo

Larry Schnabel

Louise Schneberger

Joyce Sellazzo

Maryann Severino

Ellen Shaw

Petey Silveira

Ron Silveira

Michael Slagel

Sandra Sovinski

Matthew Starner

Winnie Swanton

Dominique Tate

Jane Taylor

Bob Warhus

Shelly Wawrzonek

Billie Williams

Ed Winokur

Harriet Winokur

Jeffrey Winterstein

Joyce Winterstein

Anna Wistrand

Sharon Wright

Lisa Wynne

Damian Zambrana

Lani Zambrana

Beverly Zaumeyer

How to Volunteer

We like to see members who volunteer not only on stage, but behind the scenes as well. Ways to volunteer include:

  • Act in shows
  • Serves on the Board of Directors or Chair a committee
  • Usher
  • Paint sets
  • Work in the lights and sound booth
  • Set design or set decorating
  • Props, Customs, Stage Manage, or Direct
  • Work in the Box office or on publicity

This is just a sample of some of the areas that we need help with to run the theater. There are so many places that can use a volunteer like you! A special ceremony is held at the end of the year at the Hammy Awards Show to announce and honor the newest Life Member.